To make books, you need paper (unless we want to make ebooks) and paper is made from the wood of trees. Suitable trees for paper production are Norway spruce, Scots pine, birch, poplar, beech and eucalyptus. Trees are important to people, perhaps not for nothing many people have named their surname after a tree in the past.
And from the moment paper became available, many people started writing, including several Spruce Trees! Some books are just for sale, for instance on Amazon, Amazon, for others you will have to do some searching. A probably incomplete overview:
Naam | Genre |
Antano Sparreboom | Tano writes English-language fantasy books and is working on a trilogy of which the first part is finished: City of the Seventh Moon Take a look on his website or buy a book on Amazon. |
ds. JW. Sparreboom | Writes Bible studies. |
Kees Sparreboom | Kees wrote humorously about life and has several (comic) books to his credit. Read more about them here. Some books are still for sale, e.g. on Bol.com or De Slegte. |
Linda Sparreboom-Boerboom | Writes children’s books, see here. |
dr. Max Sparreboom | Wrote on Vedic ritual texts, humanities in general and reproductive biology of amphibians. Find his books on Amazon. |
Pauline Sparreboom | Writes poetry, available here. |
Rob Sparreboom | Wrote e-book ‘The Practical Father’ on authentic fatherhood. |
Tessa Sparreboom | Writes columns in De Correspondent. |
Theo Sparreboom | Writes on the development of employment policies in sub-Saharan Africa (downloadable for free as a pdf, google on it, example here). |
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