Family foundation Sparreboom

Welcome to the website of the Sparreboom Family Foundation! From this foundation research was and is done on the origin of the name Sparreboom and its related surnames. By now there are more than 2200 of them. Next to that the foundation tries to stimulate contact between members (and other interested people).
Please note, contributions to the family tree or this website are always welcome, even if you are not a member of this foundation!

This genealogy foundation was founded in 1990 for anyone interested in the family name Sparreboom. In 2015 the foundation celebrated its 25th anniversary. Family days were organized every year, which we have not done for a few years now.

The genealogists of this foundation have found “branches” of the family tree in Ijsselmonde (South Holland), Groningen, Friesland and abroad. Data of more than eleven thousand people are now known! These data must be correct, so our research is currently mainly focused on searching for source information. A few years ago, this kind of data required a visit to a town hall, but a lot of data has now become available digitally.
What can you find here
This website is intended to share information. New messages will appear regularly and you can also contribute with questions or comments. We would love to hear from you !!
For a long time, contributions were requested to become a member of the foundation. But the foundation does not currently organize meetings and no more periodical newspapers are published. That is why membership of the foundation is FREE. Nevertheless, donations are appreciated, the foundation still incurs some costs.