Other foundations
Last names
There are now more than 2200 different surnames in our family tree. Many family trees with those names are researched by other people and sometimes family foundations have been established. Below is a list of names appearing in our family tree and the associated family foundation.

This list is of course never exhaustive, please let us know if you know of any. General websites such as WieWasWie (NL) are not included.
Surname | Website |
Kuipers; van Wijk | https://kuipersvanwijk.nl/ |
Pater | https://www.fam-org-pater.nl/ |
van Dijk; Verweij | https://kuipersvanwijk.nl/ |
Boer; Mastenbroek | http://stamboom.michelboer.nl |
Kluit | https://www.cluyt.nl/ |
Huizer; Huijser | https://bblommers.nl/ |
Scholten; Nijhuis; Nijmeijer | https://hansschulten.nl |
de Jong; Mol; Sonneveld | http://www.wouterclaes.nl |
Ooms | http://johnooms.nl/ |
Baas; van der Horst; Visser | https://www.johjvisser.nl/genealogieVHBS/index.php |
Keulen | https://www.vankeulen.nu |
Groeneveld | https://www.groeneveld-delft.nl |
Schenk | https://www.schenk.nl |
Santman | https://www.santman.net/ |
Tanis; van den Berg | https://stamboom.doevos.nl/ |
van den Berg | http://www.gervandenberg.nl |
Vreugdenhil | https://www.vreugdenhil-online.com/ |
van Rij | https://familievanrij.nl |
Blommers | https://bblommers.nl/ |
Engelenburg | https://www.vanengelenburg.nl/ |